Other Resources

Other Resources

Here are some additional resources that you may find useful.  These links will take you to other websites.

Resources for Christians and seekers

American Family Association
Speaking out in support of families.

Apologetics Press
This is a rich resource for materials regarding Christian apologetics

Center for Christian Broadcasting
Using the power of media and today's technology to fulfill the Great Commission by providing professional quality, Biblically accurate materials that will help strengthen families, support the church and evangelize the lost.

Christian Chronicle
An international newspaper for the churches of Christ.

Does God Exist?
Created and maintained by John Clayton, this website discusses how Biblical truths are so often revealed through science.

Escuela Quiteña de Estudios Bíblicos (Quito School of Biblical Studies)
La Escuela Quiteña de Estudios Bíblicos (EQEB) es una organización sin ánimo de lucro, que nació por la necesidad de evangelizar el Ecuador. La EQEB es una obra misionera de las Iglesias de Cristo y funcionamos bajo la dirección de los ancianos de la Iglesia de Cristo en Pueblo, Colorado de U.S.A.

Family Research Council
Promoting family, faith, and freedom, this website focuses on our core national values.

Focus on the Family
Strengthening our families through Godly principles. Focus on the family also has a number of resources and services on a variety of sexuality topics including Biblical sexuality, homosexuality, pornography, sexual identity, and related topics.

Dedicated to providing positive resources for daily Christian living.

National Human Trafficking Hotline
If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, call now.

Korean Missions
Sharing Christ and educating preachers in South Korea.

Little Prairie Bible Camp
Sharing Christ with today's youth, tomorrows leaders, for over 25 years. Located just east of Rolla, Missouri.

Marriage Matters
This is the website of Jerry and Lynn Jones and their ministry dedicated to strengthening marriages.

Paragould Children's Homes
A rainbow of hope for children in need.

Red River Family Encampment
Our Mission is to provide Gospel preaching, stimulating Bible study, marvelous singing, warm fellowship in the breath-taking Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Northern New Mexico with a goal to strengthen families and churches throughout the USA.

Run, Hide, Fight
An action plan in the event of an active shooter situation.

Strength in Weakness
This website provides guidance and support for Christians who struggle with same-sex attractions.

A website committed to strengthening families and values by using media in positive and creative ways.

World Video Bible School
World Video Bible School has been privileged to serve the church since 1986 by making teaching and evangelism materials for the church’s use worldwide.

Studies and study resources

Here are some online study tools to help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible.

Bible Gateway
Search the Bible in seven languages and six versions including NIV, RSV, NASB and KJV.

Online Bible in multiple versions and eight different languages, along with other Bible reference books.

Truth for Today
Hundreds of downloadable Bible lessons in several languages.

Study on Sexual Purity
This study was prepared by the elders as a detailed study of what the Bible says about our sexuality.

Understanding Baptism: A personal study
Uncertain about what God's word says about baptism? Open your Bible and this study and learn what God teaches on this important topic.

Understanding Predestination
The topic of predesination, and what the Bible does and does not teach, can be confusing. Use this self-study guide to learn more on this topic.

We Fight Porn
Churches, do you need to include those struggling with pornography and sexual addiction in your recovery program and don’t know exactly what to do? Do you need material to begin a 12-step type program for those struggling with this type of addiction? Then the Recovery Connection video series is your answer!