Sexuality Resources

Understanding sexuality and Biblical sexual ethics

We provide several resources for you to address not only the doctrinal teachings of the Bible on this important topic, but also the practical life issues and struggles that we encounter. If you have questions, please contact us and we will respond or try to find appropriate resources for you.

Biblical Teaching Resources

Understanding Sexual Purity
This is a personal study that includes scriptures and questions to help you understand God's teachings on this important topic. This material is also useful for small group studies.

The Center for Christian Broadcasting
This website provides resources for coming of age resources for boys and girls, resources for those struggling with pornography, and many other biblical DVD resources and studies.

Sexuality Examined
LGBTQ+ Revisionist Teachings in Light of Scriptural Truth

In this book, Jerry Jones makes a case for the historical Christian stance on sexuality by lovingly evaluating the affirming case that revisionists make regarding LGBTQ+ relationships.  He acknowledges objections by revisionists and responds with scriptural clarity to guide readers to God's intention for sexuality.  Available on Amazon and College Press.

Family and Relationship Resources

Loving God First
It is the purpose of this website to explore the teachings of God about the Christian LGBTQ+ movement. While doing so we want to demonstrate love and respect for God’s teachings but also for those who may disagree with our conclusions. This website provides numerous resources for families and individuals.

We Fight Porn
This website provides help, hope, and freedom for those struggling with pornography.

Marriage Matters
This is the website of Jerry and Lynn Jones and their ministry dedicated to strengthening marriages.

Breakpoint Forum: The Real Facts About Gender Ideology
Dr. Miriam Grossman and Dr. Stephen Grcevich, experts in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry, help us wade through the confusing waters of gender ideology, offering clarification, guidance, and, most of all hope that we do not need to abandon reality to care for those caught up in gender ideology.

Miriam Grossman, MD
Miriam Grossman MD is board certified in psychiatry and in the sub-specialty of child and adolescent psychiatry. Before gender ideology was on anyone’s radar, she warned parents about its falsehoods and dangers in her 2009 book about sexuality education, "You’re Teaching My Child WHAT?" Dr. Grossman’s practice currently focuses on gender-distressed young people and their parents. She believes that every child is born in the right body.

CHANGED is possible! We are a community of friends who once identified as LGBTQ+. Today, we celebrate the love of Jesus and His freedom in our lives.

Family Research Council
Advancing faith, family, and freedom in public policy and culture from a Biblical worldview.

Focus on the Family - Sexuality Archives
Here you will find practical resources for sexual brokenness and healing, sexual identity and transgender topics, talking with your teens, and other topics.

Strength in Weakness
This website provides guidance and support for Christians who struggle with same-sex attractions.