Ukraine Support

How to support the church in Ukraine

Several of our church family have asked how they can help the churches in and near Ukraine who are helping with relief efforts and providing support. While we should not neglect our needs and commitments here, we know there are many of you who are able to provide additional support in this situation.

We have identified two ways that you can help. Your gift will be sent directly to these organizations below. Note that the Rolla church of Christ cannot provide any reporting or documentation for your gift. Please follow the instructions carefully below and contact these organizations directly as you may have need. Additionally, The Christian Chronicle has identified several ways that you can help. And of course, please keep praying for God's intervention, guidance, and protection.

The church in Poland via the College church of Christ
The College church of Christ in Searcy, Arkansas is collecting support to strengthen the church in Sopot, Poland. This church is caring for refugees who are fleeing Ukraine. You can give through the College church of Christ giving page. Be sure to click the Funds drop-down list, scroll down, and select UKRAINE REFUGEES-DAWIDOW. The College church of Christ can be contacted here.

Churches in Ukraine via Sunset International Bible Institute
Funds are currently being collected through the Sunset International Bible Institute (SIBI) Global Relief Ministry to help the churches in Ukraine provide for refugees from other cities, and to help continue ministry training. Click here to go to the SIBI Global Relief Ministry online giving page for the Sunset International Bible Institute, and you can contact them here.