Understanding Sin as a Christian

An interactive Bible study regarding sin

This study is the product of several brothers and sisters in Christ who collaborated on the important topic of avoiding sin in our lives. We are called to leave sin behind us, as it was a part of our old walk before we were in Christ. But how do we lead more sinless lives? This interactive study shares scriptures and practical insights from Christians. A study guide for personal use or small group discussion is provided as an additional download, along with a bookmark to help remind you of the key points in this training.

This training can be viewed on a computer, tablet, or smartphone and it will reformat the presentation based on the available screen size. It is best viewed on a tablet or computer. Narration and closed captioning are included. Full playback controls are provided so that you can pause and complete the training when it is convenient. We encourage you to study this important topic and share it with your Christian friends. Click the link below, and when the page loads, click the large "play" symbol.

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If you are not yet a Christian and would like to know more through personal study or a private teacher via email, please see our studies on Becoming a Christian.